Samstag, 30. November 2013

The Ban of Anorexic Models

Today it is impossible not to look at super skinny-models. Whether it is a poster, commercial, or fashion magazine, thin women are on every media surface.

What many people do not know is that mannequins did not use to be so thin. They used to have voluptuous, curvy body shapes. For example, Marilyn Monroe was the major role model for young women. Only with Twiggy, the starving British model, skinny mania started.

Being confronted with these bony creatures 24/7 makes many teenage girls, and also boys, feel insecure about their bodies. 7 out of 10 girls in 5th – 12th grade reported that magazine pictures influenced their idea of a perfect body shape. Additionally every second girl admitted wanting to lose weight because she compared herself to the models on these pictures.

The teenage years are a though stage in life. For many adolescents it is already hard enough to accept and love themselves, without the media bombarding them with false images of too thin models. These photos make it even unthinkable for youths to be satisfied with their bodies. In some cases it is even considered vain to feel comfortable in one’s own skin, and showing it to others.
Another impact that the media makes is the rising rate of eating disorders. Especially anorexia and bulimia are far more common than they used to be. Research suggests that about 1 percent of juvenile females suffer from anorexia – without the dark figure.
Designers claim that their fashion is presented best on emaciated girls, but promise that they will only employ healthy ones. Due to that, all the clothes they sew for a fashion show are extremely small. For example, models walking for Chanel may only have a maximum hip measurement of 88 cm. Only scrawny, starved women are in possession of the required dimensions.
Fortunately new fashion companies have been founded. They are trying to ban anorexic models from the catwalks in the world. However, influential individuals from the fashion industry like Karl Lagerfeld, or Anna Wintour will not change their opinion. It seems like the world will have to wait for a new generation of creative geniuses to make a change in the fashion industry, or perhaps a new Marilyn Monroe.

Dienstag, 12. November 2013

Why I Love Starbucks

No matter where I am on the planet, I always feel at home in Starbucks. Despite that the baked goods vary in each country, the coffee and atmosphere is the same all over the world. A lot of my friends like Starbucks as well, but none of them really understand why Starbucks makes me feel so ecstatic.
On stressful days, visiting the nearest Starbucks location helps me a great deal. As soon as I open the door, enter the shop, and smell the sent of freshly ground coffee beans, I feel completely relaxed. Standing in line calms me down. While I am waiting for my order, I realize that I worry too much about things I can’t change, and that unnecessary stress is neither good for my body, nor for my soul.
I also love going to Starbucks when I have a bad day. Then I will supposably order a cup of tea instead of my usual Americano. It seems to me that these little magical bags sitting in boiling water have the aptitude to make everything better. I will snatch a big, comfy armchair and lounge in it with a good book and my headphones. If my mug is empty I just take my Starbucks Card and the barista will give me another cup of liquid happiness for free.
If I don’t feel like reading, people-watching is another great activity. I like to wonder what another person thinks at that very moment, and if he or she is happy. Eavesdropping on conversations amuses me, too.
Of course, I like going to the famous coffee shop on good days as well. Bringing friends along, and recommending my favorite drinks to them, is something I enjoy. I consider it the best place to talk about life and exchange news. Especially during wintertime, my friends and I treasure their classic hot chocolate after our Christmas gift-shopping tour. When the weather is warmer, we savor Frappucchinos outside in the sunshine.
Starbucks is definitely one of my favorite places on Earth, independent on where I am. The only negative aspect is, that, if they ever closed their shops, I’d be in serious trouble.

Dienstag, 7. Mai 2013

Spring Fashion! - Shoes

Hey guys!
So I decided to start a series called Spring Fashion :D
Basically I just wanted to show you my fashion picks for this season.. So today I thought I would start with shoes because I am so in love with my spring shoes!

First we have to talk about Keds.. My addiction for those sneakers started some years ago.. I think my collection has grown to 6 pairs so far :D I could literally walk for days in those shoes which is not normal for me because my feet are pretty sensitive and I tend to get blisters very quickly! Not with these babies ;D
For spring I love them in beige..  I am still trying really hard not to get them dirty! ;)

Moving on with another pair of sneakers.. Chucks! I never really got the hype with those shoes.. I mean I always thought they were pretty and stuff but yeah I kind of always sticked to my Keds ;) Not this spring.. I fell in love with their spring collection and especially with the mint ones.. 
So I have to be honest and admit that I got blisters but they are so freakin adorable that I chose not to care about that ;D Now after wearing them a couple of times my feet are totally fine with them :)

Next up are two pairs of more elegant shoes.. Shoes that I personally don't wear every day.

First a absolutely stunning pair of flats. My favourite pair I every owned actually!
They are made of patent leather I think. Which is also why they hurt me I little but that's the price you've got to pay if you like shiny shoes that will keep their shape ;D 
I got them at Aldo's in Barcelona. There was a special offer going on and I only had to pay 40 Euros which is still a lot but I think I would have paid even more because they are just perfect for my taste :D 

The next pair are really dressy shoes and I mostly only wear them for special occasions. They are also made of patent leather.. There is just a thing about this material that makes me go crazy I guess :D
I bought them last year for my conformation and they weren't super expensive.. I think I paid 80 CHFs or something in that price range.. 
When I saw them inside the store I had to constantly think about them for a whole week and I even started to draw them because I couldn't find a picture online >.< That's how obsessed I am with shoes.. So when that week was over I just went to the store during lunch break and got them :D
I am really looking forward to my next big event simply because I want to wear them so badly again!

So I think that's it :D
If you have any questions about any of those pairs just let me know in the comments and I will be happy to answer them!

I hope you enjoyed it!

xoxo, Tina

Mittwoch, 1. Mai 2013

First youtube video!

Hey guys!

So I filmed my first youtube video today:) I was quiet nervous because English isn't my first language and I am little uncomfortable speaking but I did it anyways :D

You can watch it here.
If you have any request for my next videos or if you want me to do a review on one of the products shown in the video just let me know!

I hope you enjoy

